TRAILS Electronic Collections


TRAILS collaboratively licenses electronic content, maintains group memberships, and provides access to various services, utilities, and tools to benefit its members. 



ABC-Clio: American Indian Experience
American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals Collection Series 1-5 (1691-1877)
Academic Video Online
Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies
Credo Reference
Data Axle
EBook Central (Academic & College Editions)
EBSCO Core Database Package
Films on Demand
Gale Database Package
JAMA Network
Kanopy BASE
MLA Handbook
MLA International Bibliography
Nineteenth Century Collections Online
  • Provider: Gale
  • Agreement: No TRAILS agreement in place; negotiated by MSU Bozeman and UM Missoula
  • Subscription Date: Perpetual access for members that belonged to TRAILS in 2019
ProQuest Central
O'Reilly for Higher Education
ScienceDirect Journals
Shakespeare's Globe to Globe Festival On Screen (1&2)
Shakespeare's Globe on Screen (1&2)
Taylor & Francis Journals

Other Shared Resources in the Alma Network Zone

The following resources are not part of any TRAILS-wide negotiations, however, they are either shared by several member institutions or they are they are freely available, and are being maintained in the Alma Network Zone by various member institutions. To have your institution added to a centrally managed electronic collection listed below, please contact the corresponding person listed next to that resource.


MontanaLibrary2Go (Overdrive)
Participating Members Access to this resource was not part of any TRAILS negotiations.

If your institution was part of the negotiation process for this resource, please contact the corresponding person to be added to the shared collection in the Alma Network Zone.

Network Zone Status A local electronic collection consisting of OCLC MARC records. The OverDrive collection is not available from the Alma Community Zone. Collection is continually updated and weeded titles are deleted on a monthly basis. All MontanaLibrary2Go sites are invited to participate.

Contact Jennifer Rusk to be added.

US Government Documents
Participating Members All TRAILS Institutions
Notes This collection does not require a subscription. It is maintained courtesy of the University of Montana to help eliminate the need for schools to individually load government document records.
Alma Electronic Collection Name US Government Documents
Network Zone Status Contact Ben Chiewphasa to be added to this collection in the NZ
Central Discvery Index N/A
19th Century U.S. Newspapers
Participating Members Access to this resource was not part of any TRAILS negotiations.

If your institution was part of the negotiation process for this resource, please contact the corresponding person to be added to the shared collection in the Alma Network Zone.

Network Zone Status A local electronic collection comprised of MARC records, providing richer metadata than the CZ records. To participate in this collection, an institution needs to have purchased both the collection and the optional MARC record set. Please supply your Gale customer id (found in the main access url) with your request to be added.

Contact Jennifer Rusk to be added.

17th & 18th Century Burney Collection Newspapers
Participating Members Access to this resource was not part of any TRAILS negotiations.

If your institution was part of the negotiation process for this resource, please contact the corresponding person to be added to the shared collection in the Alma Network Zone.

Network Zone Status A local electronic collection comprised of MARC records, providing richer metadata than the CZ records. To participate in this collection, an institution needs to have purchased both the collection and the optional MARC record set. Please supply your Gale customer id (found in the main access url) with your request to be added.

Contact Jennifer Rusk to be added.

TRAILS - Treasure State Academic and Information Library Services
Treasure State Academic
Information & Library Services
P.O. Box 173320
Bozeman, MT 59717-3320
© 2017 Treasure State Academic Information & Library Services – design by Terence Kratz