Faculty, deans, library directors, library colleagues, and curricula designers from Montana Higher Education are invited to participate in an Open Textbook Network Training workshop hosted by TRAILS on September 20, 2019 at UM-Missoula. The workshop will run from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm in Room 330 of the University Center.
This workshop is a joint effort by TRAILS, the Open Textbook Network (OTN), the Montana University System, and the MT Board of Regents. Experts at OTN will serve to form the foundation for creating a community of practice, centered around building OER (Open Educational Resources) learning content, for affordable learning in Montana.
Space is limited.
Registration is free, but please let us know if you have to cancel so we keep costs to a minimum. In this workshop you can expect an environment of learning and sharing in areas such as:
• Using tools and resources for open textbook programming
• Exploring strategies for addressing common challenges
• Identifying obstacles to open textbook adoptions
• Developing incentives for successful programs on your local campus
• Networking opportunities with other workshop participants
TRAILS is sponsoring lodging for those who are traveling outside of the area.
Questions? Please contact Christina Trunnell, TRAILS OER Coordinator, at christina.trunnell@montana.edu.